"Shady Areas"
Bad neighborhoods or unappealing geometry topics?
(from August 23, 2015)
"Area, Perimeter, and Percentages"
In my backyard, I have a rectangular garden with dimensions 30' x 10' (length x width).
If I reduce the length by 20%, what percentage should I increase the width
a) to maintain the same area?
b) to maintain the same perimeter?
SOLUTION and other percentage topics at mathplane.com
(from August 19, 2015)
"Back to School"
i don't get no respect!
Find the weekly math comic at the mathplane site
Also, on Facebook, Google+, and Pinterest.
(from August 16, 2015)
"Algebra/Geometry Angle question"
Go here for SOLUTION and other geometry questions
(from August 13, 2015)
"The Endless Summer"
Math Comic 202 - "Surf's Up" (Hang 10!)
(from August 9, 2015)
"Infinite Sequences"
Can you find the missing terms?
(from August 6, 2015)
"Math and Geography"
Math at the Four Corners Monument..