(from April 26, 2015)
"The Bookworm"
On a bookshelf, there is a set of 10 classic math books. (properly arranged in order, Volumes 1 - 10).
Each book is identical in shape and size:
Front cover is 1/4" thick.
Back cover is 1/4" thick.
And, the cumulative page thickness of each book is 3".
One day a worm -- a bookworm?! -- gets onto the shelf and eats through some of the books:
If the bookworm began at page 1 of volume 1, and stopped at the last page of volume 4,
how many inches did the worm travel?
(from April 21, 2015)
"A&W Root Beer"
Math Marketing -- a beverage for math geeks!
(from April 16, 2015)
"The Tan Gent"
Follow the weekly math comic at mathplane.com
or, at Facebook
(from April 15, 2015)
Math Riddle: If you take away half of five, you get four. How?
(from April 9, 2015)
"Let's Make A Deal"
The Monty Hall Problem....
(from April 6, 2015)
Math Question:
What is the smallest number that is divisible by each natural number from 1 to 10?
(from April 1, 2015)
"Ten's Commandments"